Eric's Half-Ironman Training

I am now training for my second half-ironman race. The race is in Boulder this time in August, 2007. I finished the Florida Half-Ironman in May, 2007. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Warm up: 300m & 6x50 w/ 10 sec rest
Main: 6 x 100 w/ 10 sec rest: 2:02.81, 2:04.17, 2:04.56, 2:03.74, 2:02.78, 1:57.89
Cool Down: 200m
Total: 1,400 meters

A pretty easy swim today. My program said 30 minutes. It was more like 45. I had a pretty good swim and tried to enjoy as much as possible

Reading a Book.
I am reading a book called: "Too good to be true" by Sheila O'Flanagan. It's a pretty good book. I am listening to it in my car. I love audiobooks. The couple gets married within days of meeting each other. They go back home to Ireland and tell family and friends. What a headache it has been for the couple.

Time: 40:00
Odo: 724.9 miles
Max: 25.5 mph
Avg: 14.4 mph
Distance: 9.65 miles


Blogger Papa Louie said...

Nice swim set.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Oly said...

Good luck on your race this weekend Eric.

2:31 AM  

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